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Chelsea L Team Blog.

Decorating My Kitchen Cabinets

Hey Guys! So this is a project that has taken me longer to complete than I’d like to admit lol… But, I know I’m not the only one who does this. That being said, it’s finally time to get these top glass cabinets decorated, and I can’t wait!

If you’re tackling something like this in your home, whether its cabinets, open shelving, or book cases I think the first thing you should do is “shop your home”. Basically go through decor pieces you already have in your home to see if they can be repurposed in the new space. This can save you lots of money!

Next, I would totally recommend laying it all out on a surface the way you like before you place the items where they’re going. This way, it makes it much easier to make changes as you go.

Lastly, just have fun! These are the types of projects that are ever-changing and evolving. Your style can change, seasons change, there’s a lot that can influence your decor and it’s okay to switch it up. You’re not committed to these pieces forever. That also means if its not in your budget to buy new decor at HomeSense or a local boutique right now, then maybe Walmart and the Dollar Store are what works for you! (There’s actually really great pieces at Dollarama!!)

If you guys try something like this in your home, I would love to see how it turns out! TAG ME!!


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